I think the real strengths of your blog are two fold. 1) It's design - it is compelling to look at; 2), the articles you've posted are interesting, and it has clearly taken you some effort to locate them - and they contain some fascinating images, which in someways relates back to my first point.
With regards to your posts, as I noted in Jan., you have tended to post articles and then make brief comments on them, but I would have like to see you go deeper, and more fully develop your view (that we should not be in Afghanistan - stated in your post, following mine). Your view is held by many Canadians. I would have seen you develop this theme more and then use the articles you posted to support your argument, or where they were more critical, rebut them. You have met the target of posting approx 20 times, although again I would have like to see you trending rather than posting more than a third of your posts on the last day.
Nonetheless, I'm pleased with the work you've done, and hope it has helped you to understand the nature of Afghanistan and our involvement in that country.
Good work so far - time to go deeper and wider
Good work on your blog to date, Mike. Exceptional design, and very consistent with postings. You're clearly starting to trend events. Your challenge now is to go beyond simply describing the articles you're posting - which are interesting - but to place events in a broader context. It's time to develop your own thesis about what is taking place (a considered point of view), and over time to argue and/or revise it. Discuss also the impact of events on Afghanistan's history, culture and it's neighbours, the international scene - the consequences for Canada, the United States. Make connections also with other events in the region. It's time to go "deeper" and "wider"
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